The Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) lists all components, including licenses and dependencies contained in a software product and other data, including checksums. SBOMs can be used to identify all your software components and improve supply chain security.

An SBOM in a known format like SPDX or CycloneDX can help drive automation and trigger security alerts. Software end-users can use the SBOM to perform vulnerability and license analysis of their software packages, which can help evaluate risk in a software product.

This guide explains how to manage and verify SBOMs with Cloudsmith.

Automatic generation of SBOMs for container images

Cloudsmith will automatically generate CycloneDX format SBOMs during container image package syncronization. SBOMs generated this way can be retrieved via the packages API.

For example, to retrieve generated SBOMs for Docker images in a repository, the following cURL command can be used (specifying the format using ?q="format:docker"):

curl -sH "X-Api-Key: <api-key>"<workspace>/<repo>/?q="format:docker"

Generated SBOMs will be returned in the response payload files field, with a tag value of sbom-cyclonedx as shown in the example response payload below:

"files" : [
    "cdn_url" : "<workspace>/<repo>/docker/<identifier>.sbom-cyclonedx.json",
    "checksum_md5" : "dbbff381d1de3feb65c125a4a599c136",
    "checksum_sha1" : "bbeee0f7e9b3a69ac5eec6a9137ea355cffabfef",
    "checksum_sha256" : "7ba61e9879422111330cdfc2023fa5719a080d491d18f9be73313465e3ad5a9e",
    "checksum_sha512" : "f3fe2e47bd5418308bda7f8421f99c3f5c8d2002e49b77c0bb05c1c12c9f58c6d76822426fdbf18f7cd10e1aa4ea472c40c8dbcae1195ebab9369b54e668ec69",
    "downloads" : 0,
    "filename" : "<identifier>.sbom-cyclonedx.json",
    "is_downloadable" : true,
    "is_primary" : false,
    "is_synchronised" : true,
    "signature_url" : "<workspace>/<repo>/<identifier>/gpg.<identifier>.asc",
    "size" : 1040,
    "slug_perm" : "<identifier>",
    "tag" : "sbom-cyclonedx"

Docker Images: Signing and Verifying SBOMs with Cosign

Cloudsmith integrates with Cosign, an OCI artifact signing and verification solution that is part of the SigStore project.

Cosign supports container signing, verification and storage in an OCI registry.

In the examples below we will use the following identifiers:

CS_ORGANIZATIONYour Cloudsmith account name or organization name (workspace)
CS_REPOSITORYYour Cloudsmith Repository name
IMAGE_NAMEThe name of your Docker image
TAGA tag for your Docker image
SBOMAn SBOM in a standard format supported by cosign, SPDX, SWID, Cyclone DX

  1. Build and push your Docker image

    1. Build your Docker image

      docker build -t IMAGE_NAME:latest .
    2. Tag and push the image to your Cloudsmith repository.

      docker tag IMAGE_NAME:latest
      docker push
  2. Retrieve the Digest for the Image
    To retrieve the digest for the image you just pushed, you can inspect it using the following command:

    docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}'

    Extract the digest part from this output (sha256:) for use in Cosign commands.


    Use Digest over Tags

    Cosign recommends using image digests instead of tags to ensure you’re signing the exact intended image version. Tags can change over time, while digests are unique to specific image versions.

  3. Generating an SBOM
    There are a number of tools to generate an SBOM, including Trivy, Cyclone DX and Syft.
    Below is how to generate an SBOM of a Docker image with Syft.

    1. Generate an SBOM with Syft:
      syft -o spdx-json > sbom.spdx.json

  4. Attest the SBOM using Cosign
    Now, sign the SBOM file using Cosign and the digest, rather than the image tag:

    cosign attest --type spdxjson --yes --predicate sbom.spdx.json

    This command will output the output something like the following:
    Generating ephemeral keys...
    Retrieving signed certificate...

    The sigstore service, hosted by sigstore a Series of LF Projects, LLC, is provided pursuant to the Hosted Project Tools Terms of Use, available at
    Note that if your submission includes personal data associated with this signed artifact, it will be part of an immutable record.
    This may include the email address associated with the account with which you authenticate your contractual Agreement.
    This information will be used for signing this artifact and will be stored in public transparency logs and cannot be removed later, and is subject to the Immutable Record notice at
    • During the Cosign attestation process, an ephemeral certificate is generated using OIDC authentication to ensure the signer’s identity.
    • The attestation, along with the certificate, is recorded in Sigstore’s immutable transparency log, providing a permanent record of the artifact’s authenticity and provenance.
    • A browser-based authentication step verifies the user’s identity, and the resulting signed certificate and transparency log entry ID are displayed for reference.
  5. Verifying the SBOM Attestation
    After signing, verify the image and its associated attestation. This command checks that the image was signed by the specified identity and verifies the OIDC issuer.

    cosign verify \
      --certificate-identity "your-username/your-repo/.github/workflows/workflow.yml@refs/heads/main" \
      --certificate-oidc-issuer \


    About the --certificate-oidc-issuer Flag

    • The --certificate-oidc-issuer flag specifies the trusted OIDC provider. In this example, GitHub Actions ( serves as the issuer, verifying the identity of the entity signing the image.
    • You can use other OIDC providers (e.g., Google, Azure AD) as issuers depending on your organization’s identity setup, offering flexibility to integrate with your existing infrastructure.
  6. Retrieving the Signed SBOM
    We can download the SBOM using the command below:

    cosign download attestation |  
     jq -r .payload | base64 -d  
     | jq .predicate

Storing SBOMs Inside Packages

For non-Docker artifacts, SBOMs can be stored directly within packages, providing a persistent, portable record of dependencies and licenses.


You can generate and include an SBOM using a Maven plugin for Java packages.

This step-by-step guide walks you through generating an SBOM for a Maven project, attaching it, and deploying it to Cloudsmith. We use the cyclonedx-maven-plugin to generate the SBOM in SPDX format.

Step 1: Set Up and Build the Maven Project

  1. Build the maven project

    mvn clean package

    This command compiles your project and packages it into a deployable artifact, such as a .jar file.

  2. Generate the SBOM
    To create an SBOM, use the cyclonedx-maven-plugin. This plugin is specifically designed to generate SBOMs for Maven projects in the CycloneDX format, which is widely compatible with security and compliance tools.

    1. Add the CycloneDX plugin to your project:
      In your pom.xml file, add the following plugin configuration:

    2. Run the SBOM generation:

      mvn org.cyclonedx:cyclonedx-maven-plugin:makeAggregateBom

      This command generates an SBOM file, typically in the target directory, as bom.xml.

  3. Configure Cloudsmith for Deployment
    Set up Cloudsmith credentials to deploy the package with its SBOM included.

    1. Update Maven settings with Cloudsmith credentials:
      Modify or create the ~/.m2/settings.xml file, adding your Cloudsmith credentials (replace placeholders as necessary):


  4. Deploy the Maven Package with SBOM to Cloudsmith
    With the SBOM generated and Cloudsmith credentials configured, deploy the artifact along with the SBOM.

    mvn deploy -s ~/.m2/settings.xml

    This command uploads the Maven artifact and its embedded SBOM to Cloudsmith under the specified repository.

  5. Use the SBOM

    1. You can view and download the SBOM from the Cloudsmith UI.
      Select your Maven artifact and then click on the Files tab where you can download the SBOM.

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