SCIM with Okta

Setting Up SCIM with Okta

SCIM, or System for Cross-domain Identity Management, is an open standard designed to manage user identity information. Cloudsmith is SCIM 2.0-compliant. With Cloudsmith's support for SCIM, you can automatically provision new users, de-provision existing users, and update existing users' profile information based on changes within your Identity Provider (IdP).

To begin using SCIM, you need to enable the SCIM functionality in the Cloudsmith Workspace Settings

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Cloudsmith Workspace settings
  2. Navigate to Authentication >> SCIM settings and enable the SCIM functionality by selecting "Allow SCIM."

Once SCIM functionality is allowed in Cloudsmith, you then enable SCIM for the Cloudsmith application in Okta on the "General" tab:


Okta Enable SCIM

You then use the "Provisioning" tab to configure SCIM as follows:


Okta Configure SCIM

SCIM Connector base URL
Unique Identifier for usersemail
Supported provisioning actionsPush New Users
Push Profile Updates
Authentication ModeBasic Auth
Basic Auth Usernametoken
Basic Auth PasswordPlease see your Organization Account Settings on Cloudsmith for your SCIM password.

Then test and save the configuration.

Once saved, you can then enable the "Create Users", "Update User Attributes" and "Deactivate Users" functionality via the "Provisioning" > "To App" tab:

Okta is now configured to provision, update and de-provision users from your Cloudsmith organization.

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