Package Quarantine

Package quarantine allows you to temporarily block any downloads of a package until you release the package from quarantine.

This is useful in any case where you wish to remove the ability to access a package that is present in your Cloudsmith repository, for example, in a case where a security vulnerability is discovered after you have published a package. Unlike deleting a package, you can restore access to the specified package at a later stage if required.

We provide the ability to quarantine a package in three ways:

  • Quarantine via the Website UI.
  • Quarantine via the Cloudsmith CLI
  • Quarantine via the Cloudsmith API

In the following examples:

OWNERYour Cloudsmith account name or organization name (namespace)
REPOSITORYYour Cloudsmith Repository name (also called "slug")
PACKAGEThe unique identifier for a package, see Package Identification for further details

Quarantine via the Website UI

Add to quarantine

You can quarantine a package using the quarantine button on the Package Details page, or from the packages view using the Package Actions:


Quarantine Button on Package Details


Confirmation that you'd like to quarantine the package

Once you have quarantined a package, the synchronization status will change from "Completed" to "Quarantined".

Release from quarantine

You can remove a package from quarantine using the Unquarantine button on the Package Details page:


Unquarantine Button on Package Details

Quarantine via the Cloudsmith CLI

Quarantine operations via the Cloudsmith CLI are performed using the cloudsmith quarantine command.

Before you can add or remove a package from quarantine using the CLI, you first need to identify the package. See Package Identification for full instructions on identifying packages.

Add to quarantine

To quarantine a package, use the command cloudsmith quarantine add as follows:

cloudsmith quarantine add OWNER/REPOSITORY/PACKAGE

For example:

cloudsmith quarantine add demo/examples-repo/IB6FYhIvaoAy


CLI add to quarantine

Release from quarantine

To release a package from quarantine, use the command cloudsmith quarantine remove|rm|restore as follows:

cloudsmith quarantine remove OWNER/REPOSITORY/PACKAGE

For example:

cloudsmith quarantine remove demo/examples-repo/IB6FYhIvaoAy


CLI remove from quarantine

Quarantine via the Cloudsmith API

Please see the Cloudsmith Interactive API Reference for details on the Quarantine Package API endpoint

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