Import NuGet

How to bulk import NuGet packages into Cloudsmith

Bulk Import of NuGet Packages using the Cloudsmith CLI

Once you have exported all your NuGet packages (.nupkg files) you can upload them to Cloudsmith- yay!

First make sure you install the Cloudsmith CLI .

A folder of NuGet packages, in the .nupkg format, can be published to Cloudsmith using the scripts below in either powershell or bash

# Script to upload all package in a directory into a Cloudsmith repo, using the Cloudsmith CLI

$SourceFolder = '/your/full/path/to/folder/conatining/nupkgs/here'

Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceFolder -Filter '*.nupkg'|
    ForEach-Object {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Pushing package "$_.Name""
        cloudsmith push nuget $TargetRepo $_.FullName
#Script to upload all package in a directory into a Cloudsmith repo, using the Cloudsmith CLI

# How to use:
# Save this bash script as '' and give it execute privileges
# this script tackes in 3 parameters from the command line:
# To execute the script from the command line and pass in the 3 parameters: 
for f in "$2/"*.nupkg
  echo "Processing $f file..."
  cloudsmith push nuget "$1" $f -k $3

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