Exporting NuGet
You can download the packages using the native NuGet/Chocolately/Powershell tools or using your package repository-specific tooling like Export from JFrog Artifactory. Using package repository-specific tooling may mean that you don't need to disable your upstreams.
NuGet packages bulk Export using Powershell
Before continuing, you must disable your upstreams- otherwise, this powershell script will download all the packages from your upstreams as well as the packages stored directly in your package repository.
$credential = New-Object PSCredential('token',$(ConvertTo-SecureString '<TOKEN>' -AsPlainText -Force))
Register-PackageSource -Name $SOURCE_REPOSITORY -Location $NUGET_V2_SOURCE_REPOSITORY_FEED_URL -Trusted -Credential $credential -ProviderName NuGet
Find-Package -AllVersions -Source $SOURCE_REPOSITORY -ProviderName NuGet -Credential $credential | ForEach-Object {
Save-Package -Name $_.Name -RequiredVersion $_.Version -Path $DESTINATION_DIR -Source $SOURCE_REPOSITORY -Credential $credential -ProviderName NuGet
Some issues:
- The above may fail saving packages if it can't find it's dependent package(s). In this case you may want to use the powershell command Install-Package to download the packages.
$credential = New-Object PSCredential('token',$(ConvertTo-SecureString '<TOKEN>' -AsPlainText -Force))
Register-PSRepository -Name $SOURCE_REPOSITORY -SourceLocation $NUGET_V2_SOURCE_REPOSITORY_FEED_URL -InstallationPolicy 'trusted' -Credential $credential
Find-Module -AllVersions -Source $SOURCE_REPOSITORY -Credential $credential | ForEach-Object {
Save-Module -Name $_.Name -RequiredVersion $_.Version -Path $DESTINATION_DIR -Source $SOURCE_REPOSITORY -Credential $credential
Export Chocolately packages
You can use the chocolately cli to download packages, here
Updated almost 3 years ago