Package Managers
List of Package Managers
Assets | Package Format |
Alpine Linux based packages. For example: Distributions based on Alpine, such as popular Docker images. | Alpine |
Swift / Objective-C packages. | SwiftCocoapods |
PHP Composer project/library (.phar) packages. | Composer (Packagist-compatible) |
C, C++ packages. | Conan |
Powershell and Chocolatey packages are used for system administration and automation on windows systems | PowerShell Modules Repository Chocolatey Repository |
Rust packages. | Cargo ( |
Dart/Flutter packages. | Dart |
Debian Linux (.deb) based packages. Example distributions: Debian, Ubuntu, Elementary, Raspian, Mint, etc. | Debian (deb) |
Go packages (modules). | Go |
Docker images. | Docker |
Hex packages for the BEAM ecosystem; any language that compiles to run on the BEAM VM, such as elixir and Erlang, can be used to build Hex packages. | Hex |
Kubernetes Helm charts. | Helm |
Lua modules (called rocks - it's a whole moon theme!). | LuaRocks |
Maven-based or compatible packages, for Java, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, or other similar languages. Also supports Gradle, Sbt, Leiningen and other build systems. | Maven |
npm project/library packages. | npm (npmjs-compatible) |
NuGet (.nupkg, .snupkg, etc.) packages. | NuGet |
Python project/library (.whl, .zip, .tar.gz, etc.) packages. | Python (PyPi-compatible) |
R statistical computing and graphics packages. | CRAN |
Raw / Generic / (any type) packages, which is basically anything that you want to version and distribute. For example: Windows binaries, Go packages, Datasets, etc. | Raw / Generic |
Ruby project/library (.gem) packages. | Ruby |
RedHat Linux based packages, Example distributions: RedHat, CentOS, SUSE, Oracle, Scientific, etc. | RedHat (rpm) |
Terraform Module packages | Terraform |
Unity Package Manager | Unity Registry |
Vagrant boxes. | Vagrant |
Updated 11 months ago