SCIM with Google
Setting Up SCIM with Google
SCIM, or System for Cross-domain Identity Management, is an open standard designed to manage user identity information. Cloudsmith is SCIM 2.0-compliant. With Cloudsmith's support for SCIM, you can automatically provision new users, de-provision existing users, and update existing users' profile information based on changes within your Identity Provider (IdP).
Early Access
SCIM integration with Google is currently available in early access
To begin using SCIM, you need to enable the SCIM functionality in the Cloudsmith Organization Settings
Follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Cloudsmith Organization Settings.
- Navigate to the SCIM Section and enable the SCIM functionality by selecting "Allow SCIM."
After enabling SCIM, proceed to Google's Getting Started Guide to complete the setup process.
Follow the detailed instructions on their support page for Identity Management Connectors: Set up SSO with Google as your identity provider.
Updated 4 months ago