Enterprise Policy Management Rego Recipes

Sample Enterprise Policy Management rego policies for real-world checks

Recipe 1: Simple Tag Check

Use case: Match any package that has a certain tag, e.g. ready-for-production. match is true if tags.info contains the value provided in required_tag.

package cloudsmith

import rego.v1

default match := false
required_tag := "ready-for-production"

match if {

has_required_tag if {
    some i
    input.v0["package"]["tags"]["info"][i] == required_tag

Recipe 2: Time-Based CVSS Policy

Use case: Evaluate vulnerabilities older than 30 days, check CVSS threshold ≥ 7, filter a specific repo, ignoring certain CVEs.

What It Does:

  • Scopes to the testing-policy repository.
  • Ignores certain CVEs, requires CVSS ≥ 7.
  • Only triggers if vulnerability is older than 30 days.
package cloudsmith

import rego.v1

default match := false

max_cvss_score := 7
older_than_days := -30
target_repository := "testing-policy"
ignored_cves := {"CVE-2023-45853", "CVE-2024-12345"}

match if {
    count(reason) != 0

in_target_repository if {
    input.v0["repository"]["name"] == target_repository

reason contains msg if {
    some vulnerability in input.v0["security_scan"]["Vulnerabilities"]

    not ignored_cve(vulnerability)

    vulnerability["Status"] == "fixed"

    some _, val in vulnerability["CVSS"]
    val["V3Score"] >= max_cvss_score

    t := time.add_date(time.now_ns(), 0, 0, older_than_days)
    published_date := time.parse_rfc3339_ns(vulnerability["PublishedDate"])
    published_date <= t

    msg := sprintf("CVSS Score: %v | Package: %v | Vulnerability: %v | Reason: %v",
      [val["V3Score"], input.v0["package"]["name"], vulnerability["VulnerabilityID"], vulnerability["Description"]])

ignored_cve(vulnerability) if {
    vulnerability["VulnerabilityID"] in ignored_cves

Recipe 3: CVSS Score + Fix Version + CVE Exclusion + Repo

Use case: Another approach for ignoring certain CVEs, focusing on one repository, with high/critical CVSS threshold.

What It Does:

  • Matches packages in repository testing-policy if at least one vulnerability is “fixed,” CVSS > 7, and not in ignored_cves.
package cloudsmith

import rego.v1

default match := false

max_cvss_score := 7
target_repository := "testing-policy"
ignored_cves := {"CVE-2023-45853"}

match if {
    input.v0["repository"]["name"] == target_repository
    some vulnerability in input.v0["security_scan"]["Vulnerabilities"]
    vulnerability["Status"] == "fixed"
    not ignored_cve(vulnerability)

exceeded_max_cvss(vulnerability) if {
    some _, val in vulnerability["CVSS"]
    val["V3Score"] > max_cvss_score

ignored_cve(vulnerability) if {
    vulnerability["VulnerabilityID"] in ignored_cves

Recipe 4: CVSS Score + Tag + Time-Based

Use case: Combine tag requirements with older vulnerabilities that surpass a threshold.

What It Does:

  • Requires package to have a tag containing "internal-only"
  • Only triggers if a vulnerability is older than 21 days, fixed, and has a CVSS ≥ 7.
package cloudsmith

import rego.v1

default match := false

customer_face_tag := "internal-only"
max_cvss_score := 7

match if {
    count(reason) != 0

has_given_tag if {
    some _, type in input.v0["package"]["tags"]
    some tag in type
    contains(tag, customer_face_tag)

reason contains msg if {
    t := time.add_date(time.now_ns(), 0, 0, -21)
    some vulnerability in input.v0["security_scan"]["Vulnerabilities"]
    published_date := time.parse_rfc3339_ns(vulnerability["PublishedDate"])
    published_date <= t
    vulnerability["Status"] == "fixed"
    some _, val in vulnerability["CVSS"]
    val["V3Score"] >= max_cvss_score
    msg := sprintf("CVSS Score: '%v' for Package: '%v' has VulnerabilityID: '%v' with Reason: '%v'",
      [val["V3Score"], input.v0["package"]["name"], vulnerability["VulnerabilityID"], vulnerability["Description"]])

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