OpenID Connect


OpenID TokenA JWT token with a specified format that Cloudsmith receives from an OIDC provider which we use to enable users to authenticate as a service account
OpenID Connect (OIDC) ProviderThe OIDC Token provider (GitHub Actions, CircleCI, etc)
ClaimsContained within the payload of the OpenID Token, used to verify the authenticity and restrict access of specific Provider requests to specific service accounts
ACCOUNTYour Cloudsmith Organization slug/identifier

How OIDC Works with an OIDC Identity Provider and Cloudsmith

The following diagram gives an overview of how an OIDC provider integrates with your workflows and Cloudsmith.

  • Auth Server: OIDC provider
  • Client: Service requesting authentication
  • Implicit trust between Service and Auth Server is necessary to allow seamless OIDC token exchange and verification e.g. GitHub Actions OIDC Server (Auth Server) and its GitHub Actions Public Workers (Client).
  • Cloudsmith creates an OIDC trust relationship between a Cloudsmith service account and a Client that needs access to Cloudsmith.


  1. Request token: The client initiates the workflow by requesting a token from the auth service to authenticate with Cloudsmith.
  2. Return token: The auth service receives the token request. After verification and validation, it generates a JWT token. The auth service and the client have implicit trust, allowing for this token exchange.
  3. Present token: The client presents a JWT token to Cloudsmith for access to resources.
  4. Verify token: Cloudsmith verifies the JWT token with the auth service to ensure its authenticity and validity. This step includes verifying claims.
  5. Return new token: Upon successful validation, Cloudsmith issues a short-lived access token to the client, granting access to Cloudsmith's resources for around 90 minutes to cover the duration of the job.

OIDC Settings

OIDC Provider Settings for your organization are configured at:{ACCOUNT}/settings/authentication/openid

You must have the Manager or Owner role in your Cloudsmith organization to configure OIDC Provider Settings.



OIDC Provider Settings can only be configured if there's at least one Service Account in your organization

Click "Create Provider Settings" to open the Create Provider Settings form:

To configure a provider, you must provide:

Provider NameA Unique name for the provider
Provider URLA Provider URL. This is unique to each provider, for example for Github Actions it is:
Note: this needs to be the root URL
i.e. it has the .well-known/openid-configuration portion of the URL removed

This provides the configuration for the chosen provider; we use this to verify the provider signed the OpenID Token we received
Required OpenID Token ClaimsThe required claims must be in the received OpenID Token's payload to authenticate successfully.

For example, tokens from CircleCI could specify the value, which would allow users to limit requests from a specific version control source repository to allow access to specified Cloudsmith Service Account(s)

We strongly encourage people to set at least one claim, as some providers share signing keys across all orgs, meaning that without any configured claims, any OIDC request from that provider could authenticate if they knew the service account(s) to target.

We support adding a wildcard (.* ) operator, only at the end of the value of the Claims.
Service AccountsThe service accounts that the user wants to be able to authenticate as with the configured provider & claims combination

Changes will be applied immediately.

Provider Documentation

Bitbucket Pipelines

Bitbucket Documentation

Bitbucket Request Example

  • Provider configuration:
    • Provider URL:<ORG-NAME>/pipelines-config/identity/oidc
      • Navigate to:<ORG-NAME>/<REPO-NAME>/admin/pipelines/openid-connect
        Copy Audience and Identity provider URL and insert below
        • Create a claim with the following:
              "aud": "ari:cloud:bitbucket::workspace/XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX",
              "iss": ""


GitLab Documentation

GitLab Request Example

  • Provider URL defaults to:
      • If you have a custom domain, the format would remain the same: https://<CUSTOM-GITLAB-DOMAIN>


CircleCI Documentation

CircleCI Request Example

  • Provider URLs are unique per organization, the format is:<organization_id>

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions Documentation

GitHub Actions Request Example

  • There is an extra step to generate an OpenID Token compared to CircleCI - this needs to be done before sending the token to us.
  • Because the keys used to verify the token are shared across all GitHub Actions for all organizations, at least one claim verification is strongly encouraged so that only jobs from your GitHub organization can authenticate. If only one claim is being configured, then the audience claim (aud) is probably best for this as it scopes it to your GitHub organization's requests.
  • See Setup GitHub Actions to authenticate to Cloudsmith using OIDC for a step-by-step guide.

OIDC Requests

With the settings configured, you can now have requests from your provider to use your Cloudsmith organization's OIDC endpoint to exchange the OpenID Token for a JWT token to authenticate with all Cloudsmith API endpoints.

Token Exchange

To receive the Cloudsmith JWT token, you need to make a POST request to our OpenID endpoint. This POST request must have a body of oidc_token, with the OpenID Token as its value and service_slug as the slug of the service account the request wants to attempt to authenticate as.

The OIDC Endpoint for your Cloudsmith organization will be:{ACCOUNT}/


Bitbucket Pipelines Example

image: atlassian/default-image:3

    - step:
        name: Cloudsmith OIDC Authentication
        oidc: true  # Enable OIDC for this step
          # Define variables
          - CLOUDSMITH_ORG="YOUR-ORG"         # Replace with your Cloudsmith organization
          - SERVICE_SLUG="SERVICE-ACCOUNT-SLUG"                    # Replace with your Cloudsmith service slug

          # Install required utilities
          - apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl jq

          # Exchange Bitbucket OIDC token for Cloudsmith token and capture the response
          - |
            OIDC_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
            -d "{\"oidc_token\":\"$BITBUCKET_STEP_OIDC_TOKEN\", \"service_slug\":\"${SERVICE_SLUG}\"}" \
          - |
            echo "OIDC Response: $OIDC_RESPONSE"

          # Extract the Cloudsmith token from the response
          - |
            CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN=$(echo "$OIDC_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.token')

          # Authenticate with Cloudsmith API
          - |
            curl --request GET \
            --url "" \
            --header "X-Api-Key: Bearer ${CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN}" \
            --header "accept: application/json"

          # Output the obtained Cloudsmith token
          - |
            echo "Cloudsmith Token: ${CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN}"

GitHub Actions Example

name: OpenID Connect Demo
run-name: ${{ }} is testing out GitHub Actions with OpenID Connect 🚀
on: [push]

  id-token: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - run: echo "Testing out OpenID Connect in GitHub Actions."
      - run: |
          value=$(curl -H "Authorization: bearer $ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN" "$ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL&audience=api://AzureADTokenExchange" | jq '.value')
          echo "$value"
          jwt=$(curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"oidc_token\":$value, \"service_slug\":\"github-service\"}"{ACCOUNT}/ | jq -r '.token' )
          echo "OIDC token from Cloudsmith: $jwt"

For further details on configuring Github Actions for OIDC see the guide at

CircleCI Example

version: 2.1

      - run: |
          echo "Testing CircleCI OIDC!"
          jwt=$(curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"oidc_token\":\"$CIRCLE_OIDC_TOKEN_V2\", \"service_slug\":\"{SERVICE_SLUG}"}"{ACCOUNT}/ | jq -r '.token')
          echo "OIDC token from Cloudsmith: $jwt"

      - image: cimg/base:current
      - make_oidc_request
      - build:
            - circle-oidc-test

If successful, this will give a JWT token to be used as an API key.

If unsuccessful, you will receive an error message that is intentionally quite generic. This is by design so that we do not leak any information (such as whether OIDC is configured, which claim failed, whether a service account is associated with the provider, etc.).

Additionally, as of version 1.0.6 of the Cloudsmith orb, you can use the authenticate-with-oidc command to perform this step automatically.

version: 2.1

  cloudsmith: cloudsmith/[email protected]
  python: circleci/[email protected]

    executor: python/default
      - checkout
      - cloudsmith/authenticate-with-oidc:
          organization: <your organization slug>
          service-account: <service account slug>
      - cloudsmith/ensure-api-key
      - cloudsmith/install-cli
      - run:
          name: Build Python package
          command: python sdist
      - cloudsmith/publish:
          cloudsmith-repository: <organization_slug>/<repository_slug>
          package-path: dist/*.tar.gz
          package-format: python

      - publish

GitLab Example

In this example, we will install the Cloudsmith CLI using PIP and authenticate using OIDC by passing the OIDC token into the -k flag of whoami command.


  - setup

  stage: setup
  image: python:${PYTHON_VERSION}
      aud: "${CLOUDSMITH_API_URL}/openid/${CLOUDSMITH_ORG}"
    # Install necessary tools (jq for JSON parsing)
    - apt-get update && apt-get install -y jq

    # Install the Cloudsmith CLI
    - pip install --upgrade pip
    - pip install cloudsmith-cli
    - cloudsmith --version  # Verify installation

    # Get the OIDC token generated by GitLab
    - echo "Requesting OIDC token from GitLab"
    - export OIDC_TOKEN=$CLOUDSMITH_ID_TOKEN  # Use the ID token generated

    # Send the OIDC token to Cloudsmith API and get the Cloudsmith token
    - |
      echo "Authenticating with Cloudsmith using OIDC"
      CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d "{\"oidc_token\":\"$CLOUDSMITH_ID_TOKEN\", \"service_slug\":\"${CLOUDSMITH_SERVICE}\"}" \
        ${CLOUDSMITH_API_URL}/openid/${CLOUDSMITH_ORG}/ | jq -r '.token')

      # Check if the Cloudsmith token was obtained
      if [ -z "$CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN" ]; then
        echo "Failed to obtain Cloudsmith token"
        exit 1

      echo "Cloudsmith OIDC Token: $CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN"

    # Verify authentication using the Cloudsmith token
    - cloudsmith whoami -k $CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN

Using the JWT

The JWT token generated by the OIDC endpoint can be used as an API key:
X-Api-Key header: "X-Api-Key: OIDC_TOKEN"

This token is active for 2 hours from the time of creation.

This token works with all Cloudsmith API endpoints to manage resources and format-specific endpoints, e.g., The Ruby endpoint to get all available packages.

This token will also work with the Command-Line Interface when specified as CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY.

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